Did you know that 100 of your fellow Porsche Club of America members participate in as many as nine track events in the New England area each summer?

Have you dreamed of driving your car on the track? Maybe at Watkins Glen International or Lime Rock Park or maybe the newest track in New England, Club Motorsports in Tamworth, NH?

If you have never driven on the track before, here’s your opportunity to do so at a significantly reduced cost. North Country Region is offering new track drivers 50% off the regular cost of our HPDE events. Join us for one, two or three days. You will receive a superbly experienced right seat instructor for all days of your participation.  You will enhance your driving skills; learn the true capabilities of your car; and experience the thrill driving at speed on the track.

Before the event we will assign your own personal HPDE ambassador to help you through the logistics of your first time at the track. Each day you will have four track sessions of at least 20 minutes. To prepare you for your track session you will particpate in classroom sessions led by the track professionals and our most experienced instructors. To top off this amazing day we'll end with a track walk and an evening social event. It really is possible to have speed, power, safety and fun all at once. You will meet wonderful people who love to talk about cars and driving and are happy to help you. 

To find out more about our HPDE events take a look at this article,  then check out our event schedule. We know you’ll have a blast. If you have any questions contact us.

Here a sample of the comments from first timers at our recent events.

"Just a quick note to thank everyone who ran the North Country Region event last weekend. Everything was just spot on. From the reg online and all that easy paperwork to the sign-in at the track, etc.... Everyone could not have been nicer and helpful to someone new to the group and Lime Rock."

"All of the classroom lessons were very informative. PCA NCR is very well organized and professional. I learned something new every day, multiple times per day. All of the classroom instructors had a wealth of knowledge as well as a passion for what they were teaching, which made it enjoyable to learn."

"I can't imagine a better instructor, especially for a first-timer. She didn't overload with me things to work on, but focused on what would give the biggest result (and she had many things to choose from). I have never ever seen a rock wall coming at me that fast before, nor taken a corner that fast, and she acknowledged it but didn't let me dwell on it. She drove the first few laps, I knew my car was more than capable. Plus, she was very easy to trust, and I knew she wouldn't let me hurt us. Yet it's hard to stop a gasp or a lift when it's all brand new. There was no shame for involuntary reactions, just no-nonsense encouragement. She could tell where my limits and skills were, and pushed me just a little beyond them each lap. I had an incredible time. I can't believe how lucky I was to have her as my instructor."