
NCR-PCA-RT24-1 Spring Land and Sea Exploration Download as iCal file
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 08:00am - 05:00pm
  Hits : 2290  

NCR-PCA-RT24-1 May 2024 Sea and Land Exploration

May 11, 2024


Check in and SpeedWaivers:             8:30 AM

Mandatory Drivers Meeting:            8:45 AM

Departure:                                          9:00 AM


Please complete your SpeedWaivers for Yourself and Anyone attending with you prior to the event (the sooner the better). Below is the link for the SpeedWaiver along with an instruction on where to find this when you register.


The Rally Tour is a rain or shine event. Please plan accordingly.


Welcome to our first Rally Tour for our 2024 season. This is a little different event that has been asked about and discussed many times. Dani and Sven Doerge jumped into setting this up and planning this event starting on the New Hampshire Seacoast. We will be traveling many of the little in and out roads along our New Hampshire coast on our way to the York, Maine area. Once we have enjoyed our early season time on the coast with the sun and salty air, we will work our way inland for our morning break. From there we will continue through the central part of New Hampshire on to Northwood for our lunch host.

We will be starting in North Hampton at:

Dunkin Donuts

42 Lafayette Rd.

North Hampton, NH, 03862

(603) 964-8856

From here will make our way up the coast and then over to Dover for our morning break at:

Hannaford Supermarket

30 Grapevine Dr.

Dover, NH 03820

(603) 749-2096


From a restful break on inland we go to explore the central part of the state and make our way up and over to Northwood to the restaurant for lunch:

Northwoods Brewing Company

1334 1st New Hampshire Turnpike

Northwood, NH  03261

(603) 942-6400


This Rally Tour will cover about 100 miles and 2 ½ to 3 hours of drive time depending on traffic. This is an area many of us have been in and out of, this is the first time to align a formal rally route covering the New Hampshire seacoast, should be a nice event and a great start to our 2024 season.


During the registration process you will now see an option to donate to the Make-A-Wish group. This is a volunteer option and not required. Each year our club, North Country Region of the Porsche Club of America donates to Make-A-Wish. By adding this option to the Rally Tour registration process maybe we can be part of increasing this donation and provide additional wishes for our children. For the donation process, if you select 1 it will add a $5.00 donation to your cost, for each additional number it adds an additional $5.00 cost to your registration costs.  Thank you for considering this donation process.

Any concerns with registration please let us know. If it suggests the Rally Tour is full, please let us know so we can add you to the wait list. We watch this closely and make sure everyone has a chance to join us.  Contact us at: 

These rallies fill quick, register soon to ensure your position. Once you register for the event, please complete your SpeedWaivers Quickly.

PCA still has not developed a method for SpeedWaviers for Minors, however we are going to work with the paper waiver for minors on this rally. We will be using the Paper Waiver “FOR MINORS AS OBSERVERS ONLY.”  A parent or legal Guardian must sign this waiver in front of us or have it witnessed prior and then the minor signs. This Waiver is available on the PCA web site and attached for your use.


Once you register and just prior to the event you will receive an e-mail package containing your driving instructions and the route map.  Please keep in mind these are general guidelines for our Rally Tour.  Due to changing weather, road construction and other events things could change.  The addresses for our break and lunch will be included.  If you get lost, we can meet you there.

Please notify the Rally Chair or one of the leads if you need to leave the event at any time.  If you leave the event at any time the PCA insurance stops.  The overall insurance starts when we leave after the drivers meeting and ends when we arrive for lunch.

If you have signed up for lunch or other activities, it is expected, you will join us.  One of the greatest challenges for planning these events is finding a place that will host us for lunch. We commit to them the head count that you provided at registration, and they are planning their staff and income based on this number.

Please note the details for the registration and what you registered for.  Please be respectful of our hosts, club members and the timing of the events. If you register for the event, please be prepared to attend. If you need to cancel, (things do happen) please notify us so soon as possible. As much notice as you can provide gives us the opportunity to open your registration for another club member on the wait list.

 Please use register button below to register for the event and then complete your SpeedWaivers.


Contact Rally Chair

Location DD Rally#1 2024
42 Lafayette Rd
North Hampton