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Home > Members' Cars
Art Smith
The tale of a shipped Porsche - Former Porsche factory executive "test" car,  shipping to states from Germany

Remove all loose / non-Porsche items

Vacuum, wash, wax, 3 coats of Carnuba

Fill gas tank

Drive to shippers

Pay fees

Fly to States

Wait 4 weeks

Take bus to Newark to get car.

Have trouble finding "Customs" storage lot.

Clear paperwork, pay more fees.

Find DIRTY car.

Drive car to Plymouth, MA.

Darn, 75 is SLOW after being used to the Autobahns 110 mph cruising.

Gas mileage up to 28 mpg -- guess slow is better, was 23 at 110.

Take picture of DIRTY car.

Spray salt and Newark dirt of car. No beading, the water sheets!


I knew they had to CLEAN the cars before they left Europe, but what did they 
use, a steam cleaner on the paint?

Anyway, a picture is attached. At least the US Military plates are visible 
through the dirt.

Now to find somewhere to clean and wax the car!

Art Smith

The tale of a shipped Porsche - Former Porsche factory executive "test" car, shipping to states from Germany

Remove all loose / non-Porsche items

Vacuum, wash, wax, 3 coats of Carnuba

Fill gas tank

Drive to shippers

Pay fees

Fly to States

Wait 4 weeks

Take bus to Newark to get car.

Have trouble finding "Customs" storage lot.

Clear paperwork, pay more fees.

Find DIRTY car.

Drive car to Plymouth, MA.

Darn, 75 is SLOW after being used to the Autobahns 110 mph cruising.

Gas mileage up to 28 mpg -- guess slow is better, was 23 at 110.

Take picture of DIRTY car.

Spray salt and Newark dirt of car. No beading, the water sheets!


I knew they had to CLEAN the cars before they left Europe, but what did they
use, a steam cleaner on the paint?

Anyway, a picture is attached. At least the US Military plates are visible
through the dirt.

Now to find somewhere to clean and wax the car!

art-smith.jpg mark-ettinger.jpg mike-garvey.jpg jen-munson.jpg bryan-baxenden-3.jpg
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